made with my own two PAWS no AI. EVER!! bookmark this page!
welcome! to Marinks Den!
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 _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ _ _ __ | | _____    __| | ___ _ __ | |
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '__| | '_ \| |/ / __|  / _` |/ _ \ '_ \| |
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This site is made mainly on/for a Computer (with Firefox); sorry if something's ugly on mobile!

contents: my thoughts... my attractions...
my distractions... and my actions!

HAAAIYOO I am marink & this is my den!
(name explanation HEEERE)
This is the entrance, so look around and I hope you enjoy your adventure!

click any sliding row below to expand it flushed emoji

88x31: T-rex saying 80,000 clipart
88x31: encounter an alien
88x31: my code is: hand-grown, grass-fed, free-range, gluten-free, covered in slime, incorporeal, right behind you
88x31: anarchy now!
88x31: and now. (brain being sliced or somethin..)
88x31: anti-hentai
88x31: anti-nazi, anti-fascism, anti-racism
88x31: geocities area51!
88x31: avocado land XD
88x31: ban time travel 'NOW'!
88x31: it's okay to give your bros some love (men kissing)
88x31: best viewed with a budgie
88x31: catscape meow
88x31: cool shades
88x31: covid-19 (is still very much real! protect immunocompromised ppl around you)
88x31: css is awesome
88x31: emulate now!
88x31: freaky freddie's free funhouse
88x31: free graphics
88x31: jojo's bizarre adventure
88x31: hatsune miku approved (it's true)
88x31: proudly made in the neocities editor--like an idiot
88x31: #1 advanced gaming knowledge
88x31: rainbow PISS
88x31: rave now!
88x31: sprunk
88x31: best viewed with open eyes (/j for visually impaired <3)
88x31: your Ad here (ironic)
88x31: Internet Archive (is awesome!)
88x31: Powered by a mouse in a wheel
88x31: this site is anti-nft
88x31: security exploits stylish funny font
88x31: yumme nikki dream diary
88x31: yumme nikki dream balcony
88x31: freeware
88x31: geocities enchanted forest
88x31: (just looks silly, not actually an endorsement for them)
88x31: Girls 4 notepad
88x31: Go bare-pawed (with a bare animal paw and a bare human foot. If you're reading this, you should get wide toebox shoes wink wink)
88x31: this site is made on linux
88x31: Happy Hardcore Explorer
88x31: google chrome can suck my nuts
88x31: take back the web - firefox
88x31: the gif necronomicon
cool Chinese code dude
88x31: cool archive
88x31: drawshop with a cool emoji guy making silly faces
88x31: fishyies swimming
88x31: gay top 100
88x31: neopets
88x31: quesadilla wizard
88x31: I support the right to repair
88x31: top 100 bomb (she got a silly face)
88x31: top 100 splatt
88x31: tor (browser)
88x31: toro inoue
88x31: pikachu saying trans rats! (rights but silly)
88x31: browser
88x31: just says yeah in a cool font
88x31: T-rex saying 80,000 clipart
88x31: encounter an alien
88x31: my code is: hand-grown, grass-fed, free-range, gluten-free, covered in slime, incorporeal, right behind you
88x31: anarchy now!
88x31: and now. (brain being sliced or somethin..)
88x31: anti-hentai
88x31: anti-nazi, anti-fascism, anti-racism
88x31: geocities area51!
88x31: avocado land XD
88x31: ban time travel 'NOW'!
88x31: it's okay to give your bros some love (men kissing)
88x31: best viewed with a budgie
88x31: catscape meow
88x31: cool shades
88x31: covid-19 (is still very much real! protect immunocompromised ppl around you)
88x31: css is awesome
88x31: emulate now!
88x31: freaky freddie's free funhouse
88x31: free graphics
88x31: jojo's bizarre adventure
88x31: hatsune miku approved (it's true)
88x31: proudly made in the neocities editor--like an idiot
88x31: #1 advanced gaming knowledge
88x31: rainbow PISS
88x31: rave now!
88x31: sprunk
88x31: best viewed with open eyes (/j for visually impaired <3)
88x31: your Ad here (ironic)
88x31: Internet Archive (is awesome!)
88x31: Powered by a mouse in a wheel
88x31: this site is anti-nft
88x31: security exploits stylish funny font
88x31: yumme nikki dream diary
88x31: yumme nikki dream balcony
88x31: freeware
88x31: geocities enchanted forest
88x31: (just looks silly, not actually an endorsement for them)
88x31: Girls 4 notepad
88x31: Go bare-pawed (with a bare animal paw and a bare human foot. If you're reading this, you should get wide toebox shoes wink wink)
88x31: this site is made on linux
88x31: Happy Hardcore Explorer
88x31: google chrome can suck my nuts
88x31: take back the web - firefox
88x31: the gif necronomicon
cool Chinese code dude
88x31: cool archive
88x31: drawshop with a cool emoji guy making silly faces
88x31: fishyies swimming
88x31: gay top 100
88x31: neopets
88x31: quesadilla wizard
88x31: I support the right to repair
88x31: top 100 bomb (she got a silly face)
88x31: top 100 splatt
88x31: tor (browser)
88x31: toro inoue
88x31: pikachu saying trans rats! (rights but silly)
88x31: browser
88x31: just says yeah in a cool font

blinkie: Are we Alone?
blinkie: open 24 hours
blinkie: gamer
blinkie: Lord of Darkness.
blinkie: You are evil and must be destroyed!
blinkie: I am crazy!!
blinkie: Sucklet
blinkie: I have weird ideas of what it means to be a man
blinkie: You can shine no matter what you're made of (from the movie Robots)
blinkie: bad website design
blinkie: artist
blinkie: mischievous
blinkie: I used to contain myself. but I escaped!
blinkie: I love my companion cube :)
blinkie: acab!
blinkie: angel
blinkie: devilicious!
blinkie: hello 2003!
blinkie: I love my cats
blinkie: make a wish
blinkie: only the paranoid survive. (kinda ironic.. kinda)
I saw Tupac making crop circles
ebay addict
holy banana!
hug your goat
I love Spongebob
Let's DDR!
There's something wrong with my toes
replace my batteries..
blinkie: you are my sunshine
blinkie: water drinker
blinkie: Are we Alone?
blinkie: open 24 hours
blinkie: gamer
blinkie: Lord of Darkness.
blinkie: You are evil and must be destroyed!
blinkie: I am crazy!!
blinkie: Sucklet
blinkie: I have weird ideas of what it means to be a man
blinkie: You can shine no matter what you're made of (from the movie Robots)
blinkie: bad website design
blinkie: artist
blinkie: mischievous
blinkie: I used to contain myself. but I escaped!
blinkie: I love my companion cube :)
blinkie: acab!
blinkie: angel
blinkie: devilicious!
blinkie: hello 2003!
blinkie: I love my cats
blinkie: make a wish
blinkie: only the paranoid survive. (kinda ironic.. kinda)
I saw Tupac making crop circles
ebay addict
holy banana!
hug your goat
I love Spongebob
Let's DDR!
There's something wrong with my toes
replace my batteries..
blinkie: you are my sunshine
blinkie: water drinker

stamp: GUMI!!
stamp: The song A from DDR
stamp: installing the wizard
stamp: Oops... I overlicked my stamp
stamp: backrooms breakdance
stamp: blood is yummy!
stamp: DDR
prohibido fumar / no smoking
stamp: I got fired from Junes
stamp: FNaF
stamp: GameCube
stamp: Gerard wayy
stamp: kitty on da computer
stamp: miku!
stamp: Haul No! Stop Nuclear Colonialism. Visit or Haul_No on Instagram
stamp: nyan cat and portal
stamp: respect bacteria, it's the only culture some people have
stamp: rhino beetle
stamp: remember to turn your computer off before year 2000!
stamp: yummy star crunching
stamp: static
stamp: yaoi pride (ironic.. kinda)
stamp: yeah, im silly
stamp: they/them over a picture of a fish
stamp: rainbow epic face gradient
stamp: Webkinz world
stamp: rock on emoticon
stamp: madoka magica
stamp: fun balloons
stamp: vampire girls suck (lol)
stamp: markie by lisa frank
stamp: I support Mary Sues and Sparkledogs
stamp: you have no fucking idea what you're up against says the scrubby bubbles guy
stamp: GUMI!!
stamp: The song A from DDR
stamp: installing the wizard
stamp: Oops... I overlicked my stamp
stamp: backrooms breakdance
stamp: blood is yummy!
stamp: DDR
prohibido fumar / no smoking
stamp: I got fired from Junes
stamp: FNaF
stamp: GameCube
stamp: Gerard wayy
stamp: kitty on da computer
stamp: miku!
stamp: Haul No! Stop Nuclear Colonialism. Visit or Haul_No on Instagram
stamp: nyan cat and portal
stamp: respect bacteria, it's the only culture some people have
stamp: rhino beetle
stamp: remember to turn your computer off before year 2000!
stamp: yummy star crunching
stamp: static
stamp: yaoi pride (ironic.. kinda)
stamp: yeah, im silly
stamp: they/them over a picture of a fish
stamp: rainbow epic face gradient
stamp: Webkinz world
stamp: rock on emoticon
stamp: madoka magica
stamp: fun balloons
stamp: vampire girls suck (lol)
stamp: markie by lisa frank
stamp: I support Mary Sues and Sparkledogs
stamp: you have no fucking idea what you're up against says the scrubby bubbles guy