i f#$@ing love this aublrrm holy scow Actually the most magical thing ever, personally my favorite Will Wood project though most seem to disagree. Not to demean his future works, and I know this album was the child of a severe drug problem, but this is still my absolute favorite :]. Every song lends itself to his voice so beautifully with the most delightful, punchy, explosive, and tickling instrumentals ever, and each song is sooo much fun to sing as well (and a really good vocal challenge!) my life was never the same..
'From Rotting Fantasylands' Nero's Day at Disneyland - 2009
actually heaven ina blottle this was I think the first album I was ever shown that really kickstarted my love and discovery of music and just activated all my synapses and stuff. It still is so amazing and close to me (and i have it on vinyl >:)) and I loveee Lauren Bousfield (the artist) andd yeah so there
'I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love' My Chemical Romance - 2002
i love mcr.... this album specifically is more raw which I really love. A lot of these songs just hit so well, and it was something I listened to a lot in middle school (though mostly I started out only knowing the B-sides album for a while). Also Gerard Way's voice is one of my favorite thangs e.ver.r. and one of my absolute favorite bands to sing along to bc of that :] YUM YUM
'Sample Bitch Story' DODDODO - 2006
The absolute most exquisite noise and beats to flail to, 10/10 and very musically inspiring
'The Bends' Radiohead - 1995
radiohead.............. (i recently learned they're zionists which is like, yeah, that's honestly to be expected of like 98% of celebrities, but it's still lame, and also Thom Yorke's a jerk. SOOO I can't really bring myself to listen to them much anymore, but the music is still special to me and really good....)
'Vampir' Unlucky Morpheus - 2015
My favvvvorite J-metal album ever. I used to be very into J-metal (like Babymetal, Ladybaby, Unlucky Morpheus, Gulu Gulu) but I slowly phased out of it a bit (I still love when it comes on though), but this album has always stuck with me as my favorite!! It's only a 5-song EP, but every single one is soooo so good and unique and really clicks with me. The vocalist and instrumentalists are soo talented as well.
'Hullabaloo Soundtrack' Muse - 2002
This album serves as a B-sides EP and a live album together, and both parts are sinisterly good. Muse for me absolutely peaked here, as it came right after Origin of Symmetry (love her), and Matt's voice here is PEAK I say! The instrumentals as always have a really great air to them, and each song puts you in a world of its own, with a distinct early-Muse feel. Also, the live performance of Micro Cuts gives me goosebumps so epic..
'Origin of Symmetry XX Anniversary RemiXX' Muse - 2021
This is the album I just talked about in relation to Hullaballoo! This album (specifically this anniversary remixed version, cause the mixing is much improved imo and there's a new formerly-Japanese-exclusive song included at the end) is soooo magnificent, and is incredibly fun to sing along to as a good challenge. There's so many beautiful moments, and also I need to kiss their mixing person cause my gosh
'あらためまして、はじめまして、ミドリです' Midori - 2008
amazeballs there is nothing more to say .. one of the bestest voices of all the times and I so wish I could sound like her and be a chaotic screaming japanese lady too
'280Km Speed' Turbo - 1995
I found this album through playing 'Black Cat Nero' on a Pump It Up dance machine, and fell in love instantly from the song and also watching his face get really close to the fisheye lens over and over in the background. From there I listened to the rest and I loveee love it so much, it sparked my craving of 90's k-pop/k-hiphop (the only type of k-pop I really like/support) and is for sure my favorite of the genre, and probably some of da best feelgood music ever made (even though idk what they're saying)!
'3.15.20' Childish Gambino - 2020
Really amazing stuff here, I didn't actually like it as much when it first came out, but it's grown and grown on me, and many of the songs are so powerful in a way that Childish Gambino is really talented at. And the beats and composition are really solid too mm yummy!
'Artaud' Pescado Rabioso - 1973
Just an Argentinian guy and his guitar and his lovely voice! I didn't realize how popular this album was when I looked it up, it seemed very unknown to me but was apparently super influential in the Spanish or Argentine rock scene. One of my favorite albums to just calm down, it really makes me feel like a swaddled little bebe.
'Daruma Ringo' Gesu no Kiwami Otome - 2012
One of the first albums I was ever shown again, and really helped to shape my foundational taste in music. The vocalist is apparently a freak which really ruins me because the music is some of my most cherished. But it's ok, because my real favorite here in the pianist Chan Mari, who is suchh a big piano inspiration to me, and the main reason I started to play it to begin with! This band has such a specific genre and sound that gets me and my brain so good.
'Little Electric Chicken Heart' Ana Frango Electrico - 2019
My friend showed this album to me and we listened to it together so it's special to me :) All the songs are really fun and have such good jazzy elements mixed with an up and down feel, and it largely got me into Brazilian music! Ana is also pan and non-binary, which is so awesomesauce
'HiLo' Jack Stauber - 2018
Jack Stauber's singing is some of my absolute favorite, and these songs go between lifting me out of a scary cave and making me boogie to making me cry on the dancefloor. I knew the first three songs since middle school, and then only listened to the rest years later, but it is really just so phenomenal and also inspiring. Pizza Boy and It's Alright will forever ruin me and Leopard will forever have me skipping in carousel time.
'Frances the Mute' The Mars Volta
SOO yummy I love u Mars Volta. I found this through my Dad & brother, and then only kiinda heard it, and then I was stuck with it being the only CD in my car so I really had to let it show itself and it is so stinkin amazing!! I also love the way they do time signature changes and lyrics, and I miss when they incorporated more noise & experimentatiton like on this album.
'Gling-Gló' Björk - 1990
This album is shooo comforting to me, because I really love jazz, and I also find a certain warmth in music that I don't understand the words of, where I can just focus on it as a whole band of sounds playing together. I also love love lovee Björk's voice and she seems like such a lovely person, so it's very fun to listen to, especially the parts when the energy changes and it gets a little rowwwwdy
'Hellfire' black midi - 2022
Just a ton of beautiful and invigorating and fun songs that are super duper well made!! Makes me think of an exciting dragon flight where you hold dearly onto it's leg and hope your grip doesn't fail you
'Isolation' Kali Uchis - 2018
This album carried me through some rough times in high school; it's so special and comforting, and I have a different relationship to each song. Her voice and just the essence of her songs here has such a distinct quality to the rest of her music (I like her other albums too though :p)
'Itekoma Hits' Otoboke Beaver - 2019
Once again yelling Japanese ladies, but this time they're organized!!! There's call and response, 40 second long songs, and a whole bunch of awesome beats and lines about topics like bulimia and 6-day work weeks and being mad.
'First Act (第一幕)' Kikuohana - 2016
As if Kikuo wasn't good enough alone, he combined with Hanatan for the most potent and enchanting vocal accompaniment evar!!!!!!!
'Second Act (第二幕)' Kikuohana - 2017
AND they do it again ..... I knew some of these songs in middle school too so I love them even more! That darn steel drum and crunching beats get me going
'lust' rei harakami - 2016
helps me feel sad when I should be
'NieR:Automata Original Soundtrack' Keiichi Okabe and MONACA - 2017
A phenomenal soundtrack to accompany a phenomenal game!! I don't think at my current point in life I would've played such a long game like NieR: Automata, but I'm glad that I got to experience playing it when I did, because it's such a great experience. The world building and the story and atmosphere and characters are all just so well-done and crushing at moments, and the soundtrack really helps to evoke it all. Emil is my favorite forever I love him dearly OHH
'Persona 4 Original Soundtrack' Shoji Meguro (mainly) - 2008
YASSS I love this game so much, the vibe and soundtrack and gameplay and everything just has such a beautiful, cozy, and groovy feel to it that I really love and that really suits it and the time period. Super inspirational to me in terms of music-making and stuff too!!
'Persona 5 Original Soundtrack' Shoji Meguro (mainly again) - 2017
I played this game in 8th grade, so I would go home from 8th grade and play a game about being fresh into high school, and I remember thinking it made high school seem so awesome. Again as with Persona 4, it has such amazing atmosphere and story and gameplay, and the soundtrack (which is made partially by the same guy!) is sooooo so good and completely sets the tone for every moment. It also has so much good piano for me to learn
'Undertale Soundtrack' Toby Fox - 2015
I love you Undertale *kiss on the lips* Toby Fox you sly tune-making dog!! You just gotta play the game and/or listen to the soundtrack I'm tellin ya
'When The Pawn...' Fiona Apple - 1999
I willy like this album and the beats and the emotion .. that is all
'Wu-Tang Meets the Indie Culture' Wu-Tang Clan - 2005
This album has so many delightful tunes, my favs are Preservation and Give It Up, but all of it is just really great and grounding for me.
(feel free to talk to me about music, I love getting suggestions or getting to share some of my own tastes/journey!!)