There's not too much here cause I still hafta go through my art and decide what to share! I'm trying to put more free time towards art and music when I can, so I hope to have more to share :3
hover images for details (if available), click for full resolution!

for a friend :P
for a friend :P
for a friend :P
for a friend :P
for a friend :P
NOT for a friend ahahahaa!!!
'Last Spasm'
It was made in a moment when I was really just so incredibly overwhelmed with too many things personally and a mental tsunami of new awareness of horrors; so, it spawned very sporadically, almost uncontrollably out of fear, hate, and desperate hope.
one of my two halloween pumps for 2024.
it's Ichigo from Katamari!!

'A Fatal Lack'
This was for a beginner art class, and my objects represent things that the people in Palestine have a fatal lack of (food, drink, medicine, hygiene, clean air, safety, etc.), since they were heavy on my mind.
he's taking you on a beautiful date



a picture of a house with a lake behind it.
a power line box.
my friend's cat sitting very very politely (i call him olimar cause their dog is named louie)
post-halloween-party decor


halloween carved pumpkin array
part of a Diwali celebration at my school, she was doing a really awesome dance!
a pumpkin of one of my OC's :D
graffiti saying KKKops what they said!
a neighbor's awesome cactus
my doggies forming a heart :] (also with a watermelon at the bottom, as though symbolic!!)
epic wasp
sin control de malezas/no weed control sign
(my text from a school project):
The greenhouse at Scottsdale Community College (SCC), which I feel exemplifies a culture of love and preservation.
I don't go to SCC, just was there for an event, but when compared to the other Maricopa CCs, they have a much more developed study and "fanbase" of native plants and sustainable foodways like Permaculture and Indigenous stewardship, which are generally very counter to the Western world’s ideals & systems.

Their greenhouse is growing all sorts of plants that are native to the Sonoran Desert, and also harbors tons of important little experiments.
This greenhouse is also the starting point of many of the plants sold in their semiannual native plants sale (the only one in Phoenix)!

They’ve built an inspiring group at that school for people who love native plants, along with the hope they bring, the justice they restore to our world, and the beauty they harbor that is not seen by the majority of people and that is actively destroyed by things like industrial agriculture & climate change.
my dresser with alarm clock, kirby's bracelets, etc.
my friend's cat Sago!
ants on an orange up close
sign that's missing words and only says belly
rip claudia spray-painted electrical box (my text from a school project):
This is an electrical box I saw on my walk to school one day that I had missed the bus and had to walk a new path. On this path were so many remnants of scattered lives—a shoe missing the sole, food & diaper wrappers, broken glass, and a letter.

This letter in all is four pages, and I don’t feel that it’s my place to share all its details, but it is a man writing to someone close to him who scammed him and took a phone that he desperately needs. He talks about how tempting and easy it would be to end his life at any moment, how nobody would even notice. I don’t know what happened to him, I don’t know when he wrote the letter or if the person ever received it, and, similarly with the electrical box, I don’t know Claudia or what happened to her.

The culture here is a culture of the homeless, and specifically the homeless in “America”, where they are often (and even increasingly) treated like a plague that many people wish they just “didn’t have to look at” or think about. These people have a culture all of their own, they almost always have friends or connections, they have inside jokes, stories to tell, and they have complications and inspired beliefs like us all.
We are all so much closer to these people than we are to any millionaire, and many people seem to forget that.

These people are failed by our government, and face so many mile-high barriers to life’s basic needs & rights, especially those who are non-white, disabled, struggle with mental problems, or face addiction. They are always dished a confusing, berated path back to a capitalist “normalcy” that only wants a very specific version of them (and us all) to succeed, and are further shunned if they don’t gladly accept & thank any meager offer of amends.


aesthetic night bus
aesthetic night bus2
aesthetic night bus3
proto-man riding fluttershy holding a palestine flag (awesome I know)
minecraft on an older laptop
scary closet
scary closet2
not me being scary industrial mechanisms
the sunrise!
my bracelets
nighttime park pond with ducks and turtles
wasp next to pomegranates
buddy wearing scary spirit mask everyone say hi to uncle grebo!
Gambling spinny wheel at Dave and Busters
photo of DDR gameplay, song by Orange Lounge I LOVE DDR AND ORANGE LOUNGE!!


my cat tinnie :3
my buddy samuel playing in a brazilian band! (called Explosão)
Explosão again!
the side of a dilapidated building
ocean waves crashing in a corner
a NASTY enormous lump of seaweed at night
me standing on the beach at night
buttefly under a hand lens
flowers under a hand lens
my phone case's lisa frank frog sticker
mason bees!
pink cadydid queenage
freaky cadydid all up on the glass trying to eat me ok I love all animals but that doesn't mean I ever want to be near this guy
multiple flamingos all doing their own thangs
flamingo sitting down silly
huuge clam beach discovery
madoka magica bebe bein silly bebe got a little crunk and won't stop vlogging
madoka magica bebe bein silly2
near the border
near the border2
empty Denny's room
my kitty Bongo :P
chickenz (Ailin and Dotty)
crocheted jellyfish and a cool clay mask
my kitty next to some stuffed animals
rage comic art, troll face, epic bacon, etc.

possible volume warning for all audio players!

smashing jingle

Casting Call

this is the first little finished song thing I ever made, it took 30 minutes & was made on 90's software a couple years ago while I waited to find out what role I'd get in our high school play of 1984 by George Orwell (which I loved btw!).

epic oompah